
We believe the definition of marriage as proclaimed in the Marriage Act 2004 “…the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life” to be the basis of healthy marriage and family. We believe it is important for the future health of our nation to retain this definition and will oppose moves to alter this definition in any way.

Doctors are invited to “sign-in” on the statement below.

We, the undersigned medical practitioners, believe that:

    • marriage as currently defined in the Marriage Act 2004 “…the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life” provides the best environment for children to grow
    • marriage as currently defined is more stable than so-called same-sex “marriage”
    • children who grow up in a family with mother and father do better in all parameters than children without

We further believe that legalisation of homosexual marriage will have significant ramifications that have been confirmed by research and events here and elsewhere:

    • the further “normalising” of homosexual behaviour through education with all the health consequences of that behaviour for our children
    • denial of parental request to withdraw their children from that education – a fundamental rejection of the rights of the family
    • further pressure on adoption agencies to approve adoption to homosexual couples and closure of agencies that fail to do that
    • the risk of vilification, if we voice our belief that every child needs a mother and a father, will gain further legitimacy
    • likewise freedom of speech and belief regarding the position we believe marriage has in society will be more limited.
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Definition of Marriage

Doctors are invited to "sign-in" on the marriage statement.

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